Use case
Reeformers aim to increase the ocean's biodiversity and the community's environmental awareness on ocean conservation, climate change, and carbon footprints by doing coral transplantation, eco-dive trips, and coral adoption program. The potential target customers are not completely aware of how the ocean's ecosystem is degrading with the coral bleaching which lessens the numbers of fish produce which many of them depend on.
With enhanced awareness, they know that there is no other way to ensure the ocean's sustainability and biodiversity other than by doing massive coral replantation.
Why unique?
Although there are a lot of coral transplantation efforts using diverse media, our program includes a monthly monitoring and maintenance trip where we collect growth data and clean the corals from turf algae that might endanger their growth and development. We have complete data on water temperature, current speed, salinity, increase in biodiversity, and coral growth rate that is analyzed by our marine expert team. We offer coral adoption where we give adoption certificates, attach adopters’ names to the corals and give our adopters semester growth reports.
We use an eco-dive trip to educate society by introducing them directly to the beauty of the ocean. Our location in North Sulawesi, Indonesia has many of the most beautiful dive sites in the world.
On this eco-dive trip, we first take our participants to the famous Bunaken Marine Park wall dive where they can truly experience the ocean's magic. On the second dive only one hour apart from the first dive, we take them to our transplantation site where they will attach their name to the coral
of their choice. We also educate them on coral rehabilitation and they will do what we usually do each monitoring trip. Collecting measurement data and cleaning the corals from turf algae.
Through this eco-dive trip, we wish to raise community awareness to care more about the ocean which most of the coastal communities depend on for their livelihoods.
We are also in the process of developing our third long-term program which is a carbon offsetting program where user can calculate their daily carbon footprints and choose our coral adoption to offset them.